At the 13th Gathering for Gardner, Erik Demaine gave a talk about coin-sliding puzzles, where you rearrange coins to form the shapes of different letters.

He also announced a site where you can try your hand at all 2,664 puzzles. That site also has a couple papers which prove that all these puzzles are solvable in polynomial time – but the best solutions were not known.

Well – obviously – the first thing that occurred to me was whether it would be possible to find the optimal solution to all the puzzles!

Unlike, say, a packing puzzle where you can add pieces one at a time until they’re all used, sliding coins around has no clear notion of progress – you can just go in circles forever. So a depth-first search doesn’t work. Instead we need a breadth-first search, which is going to have to remember every board configuration it visits to avoid going in circles.

I started with the 5x7 puzzles. For these, the board is 35 squares, and there are 12 coins. A natural representation for the board is just a 35-bit integer with 12 bits set, corresponding to the locations of the coins. That means there are (35 choose 12) = 834,451,800 possible positions of the coins (not all of which are actually reachable).

These are actually pretty reasonable numbers. 235 bits is only 4GB, so we can remember all the boards we have already visited in a simple bit array – it’s very inefficient since almost all the bits correspond to integers which don’t have exactly 12 bits set, but it’s also very simple and convenient.

It’s also feasible to just store every board we ever generate, as a 64-bit number – there are only 800 million of them, which takes about 6.5GB. And for a similar price, we can remember, for every board, a “parent pointer” to the board it was generated from.

With all of that, the search proceeds as follows, from any given starting point:

  • Generate all legal moves from the current board
  • Look each one up in the big bit array of already-seen boards. If we have seen it before, then we can already get to that board in the same number or fewer steps, so no need to consider it again.
  • If this board is new:
    • Add it to a list of boards generated at this level (number of moves from the start)
    • Also save a pointer to the board it was generated from
    • Set its bit in the already-seen array
  • Compare this board to all the ‘target’ boards – the solutions we are trying to reach
    • If it matches, hooray! Walk the list of parent pointers back to the start to retrace the shortest path from the starting board to this target.

This was remarkably successful. From a given starting point, it took only about 13 minutes to reach all 36 of the targets.

On to 5x9

Needless to say, the method above does not scale well. The 5x9 puzzles have 45 squares on the board, and 13 coins. (45 choose 13) is about 73 billion – nearly two orders of magnitude more possible boards, and too many to store a 64-bit number for each (on any machine I have access to, anyway). And of course 245 of anything is just way too much. So I needed a whole new bag of tricks for both space and speed.

Storing the boards: combinatorial rank

This is the coolest thing I learned from this project. I needed a way to remember some information about every board I visited. With 73 billion possible boards, I could only afford about one byte each. A board is a 45-bit number with exactly 13 bits set – which means these numbers are scattered all over a 45-bit space. A hash table is usually a good way of storing a bunch of arbitrary data, but then you need to remember the hash key, which by itself is far more than I have room for.

Enter the combinatorial number system. If you have (N choose k) different combinations of k elements from a set of size N, this can map each one to a unique number between 0 and (N choose k)-1 – also known as its combinatorial rank. Presto! This is exactly what I needed – a way to map each unique board into a tightly packed list.

To compute the combinatorial rank, we iterate over the set bits, and for each set bit compute (B choose I), where B is the position of the set bit (from LSB which is bit 0), and I is the index in the list of set bits (in the range 1 .. k); and then we add all these up. Note that bit positions start at 0 but set-bit indices start at 1. (Because it makes it work, that’s why.)

To quickly compute the rank, I use a three-step lookup table, breaking the number (rather arbitrarily) into three pieces of 20, 16, and 13 bits. The low bits are a simple lookup, but the rank of the higher-order bits depends on how many 1s there are in the lower sections, so I actually have 21 tables for the middle 16 bits (for whether the low 20 bits have anywhere from 0 to 20 bits set), and 37 tables for the upper 13 bits.

The x86 POPCNT and TZCNT instructions are hugely useful here. The easiest way to get these with gcc is use the built-in functions __builtin_popcountl and __builtin_ctzl, and then compile with -march=native or something similar to ensure gcc uses the instructions.

Finding moves

A legal move in the game slides a coin to an empty spot that is adjacent to at least two other coins. To quickly find legal moves, I used a lookup table with 220 entries: look up a 20-bit vector representing four rows of five cells, and the table outputs a vector of which cells have two or more neighbors. But since you need the surrounding rows to correctly count neighbors, only the middle two rows are guaranteed to be correct (and the top or bottom row, if it is the top or bottom row of the whole board, and so has no neighbors on one side). So I take the 45-bit vector which represents the whole board and look it up in four overlapping 20-bit pieces, which gives me rows 0/1/2, 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 respectively, and just bitwise-OR them all together.

To find the actual moves, I consider each coin (set bit) in the board. I remove the coin from the board and then use the lookup described above to find all the places that it would be legal to put it – this ensures that a coin can’t count as one of its own neighbors. Then I put the coin in every legal spot, except the spot it came from, if that was an option.

All together now

The rank allows me to pack all the combinations into an address space from 0 to (45 choose 13)-1. I allocate one byte per combination (which is still pretty big, about 68GB), and use it to store the level (number of moves from the starting point) at which the combination was found. I don’t have room for a separate list of the combinations found at the last level, so the breadth-first search for level N just scans the entire 68GB array; if an element equals N-1, then the combination at that rank was generated at the previous level. I invert the rank process to turn that into the actual combination, and then generate all legal moves from there and insert them into the table with level N (if they do not already exist).

When I add a new combination to the table, I check it against the list of targets. If it matches a target, great! But I don’t have room for parent pointers, so I have to reverse-engineer the path I took to get here. I compute all reverse moves from the target, and look them up in the array until I find one which was generated at level N-1. That gives me one valid step backward toward the starting point, and I repeat N times to get the full solution.

There are probably some further ways to optimize both the speed and space – packing the data more tightly, or compressing it, or something. But I stopped when it was good enough to get the job done. For the 5x9 puzzles, finding the shortest path to all targets from one starting point took about 30 hours. With a few machines, I was able to solve all 1,332 puzzles in about a week.


I’m not going to post all the solutions, to avoid ruining the fun of solving Erik’s puzzles by hand. But overall this was a really fun project with a satisfying conclusion. The general approach doesn’t scale well, but fortunately the puzzles Erik had designed were just the right size to require some clever tricks but still be in reach. One more row of cells on the board, or even one more coin, and it probably wouldn’t have been possible with my computers.

The combinatorial rank is a wonderful trick, and I’m looking forward to finding another use for it!