Matchstick Squares
OEIS sequence A294249 gives the number of matchsticks needed to make all squares from size 1x1 up to NxN simultaneously. The squares are allowed to overlap, so the key to good solutions is to reuse matches in as many different squares as possible.
I’m grateful to Colin Wright for sending this one my way.
The OEIS has a full list of what I believe to be the optimal answers up through 46 squares, and some best-known ones up through 63 squares. There’s also more information about which solutions are found with which of the searches described below.
Here are the first few best solutions:
1─┐ -- A 1x1 square is simple, just 4 matches.
├─1.│ -- A 2x2 square with the 1x1 in the corner. 10 matches.
│. .├─┤ -- That's clever, the 1x1 tucks into the gap between the 2x2
├───2.│ and 3x3, using only one extra match. 17 matches total.
│. . .│.│ -- Here the 2x2 and 3x3 are offset so that the 1x1 is
│. .2─┼─┤ created without any additional matches at all. 26 total.
The search
I didn’t find any especially clever ways of reducing the search space – I’m just doing a depth-first search placing squares. So most of my effort went into trying to make that as fast as possible.
I did some early searches (up to about N=30) while allowing the squares to roam free over a large area, to see if there were ever good solutions where all squares are not contained within the largest square. I didn’t find any, as you might expect – packing the matches densely gives the best chances of reusing them for later squares, so it’s hard to see how sticking outside the boundary of the largest square could be beneficial. The larger searches assumed that everything is inside the largest square. I think that’s very likely to be true, but it remains unproven.
With that assumption, the area we’re working in has N+1 rows and N+1 columns, each of which has N segments that can be occupied by matches. I represent the rows as bit vectors, in an array of N+1 64-bit integers, and the same for the columns. (This uses more bits than necessary since there is wasted space at the end of each 64-bit value, but packing them together complicates the code so much that it’s actually slower.)
Avoiding symmetry
Squares have lots of symmetry, and we can save a lot of work by making sure our search doesn’t find solutions which are simple reflections or rotations of each other.
The largest and second-largest squares are just in a fixed position, sharing a top left corner. (If we allow smaller squares to roam outside the largest one, then the second square’s corner is limited to one octant.) A single square has 8-fold symmetry, but with just the first two squares placed we have lost symmetry from left to right, top to bottom, and across one diagonal. All we have left is mirror symmetry across the main top left-to-bottom right diagonal:
│. . .│.│
│. . .│.│
After that, the diagonal symmetry will be preserved as long as all squares are placed with their corners along the main diagonal. If the current state of the board is symmetrical, we’ll only place a square in locations on or above the main diagonal. Once there is any square off the diagonal, we’ll have to consider all placements for all smaller squares.
Pre-compute everything
A square in a particular location can be represented as the x,y
coordinates of its top-left corner, and two bitmasks: one for the
spaces its top and bottom sides will occupy in the rows, and one for
the spaces its left and right sides will occupy in the columns.
At the beginning of the program I make a list of all possible positions of every square. I also remember whether that position is symmetric (on the diagonal), and whether it is below the diagonal (and so should be skipped if the board is still symmetrical).
The inner loop
With all that work out of the way, the core of the search is a pretty
small recursive function. The board is represented as an array of
2*(N+1) 64-bit vectors for the rows and columns, with 1=empty and
0=full. When we place a square, we need to figure out how many new
matches were added, since it may overlap other squares. We can do this
by ANDing the pre-computed masks with the affected rows and columns,
and counting how many bits are set in the result. To count the bits we
can use gcc’s __builtin_popcountl
, which on a modern Intel processor
produces one 3-cycle instruction.
In general we just have to try every position of every square: even choices which look bad now because they add a lot of matches might turn out to allow some clever reuse later. The one exception is if we can place this square without using any matches at all – it was already created by the intersections of larger squares. There’s never a case where choosing that option is a bad idea.
So instead of recursing immediately, we first run through all the placements and build a list of ones which are not too expensive (they don’t use more matches than the best known solution for this N). If we find a free placement, then we just take that; otherwise we recurse on each of the options in the list.
Setting boundaries
Having a good upper bound on the number of matches really cuts down the search space. To get a pretty good bound, we can do some quick, imperfect searches using heuristics.
The first cut is to require all squares to be placed on the main diagonal, down to some small size (typically 20) to allow for some variation in the endgame. This is a strong constraint and makes for a fast search, which produces very good (sometimes even optimal) results.
The bound from the diagonal search can be fed into the next step, which is a greedy algorithm that, for each size square, considers only the placements which add the minimum number of matches (but tries all placements tied for that minimum).
A possible third level is to require that placing a square of size N add no more than 2N matches – in other words it must share at least two full sides with existing squares. In practice this search is slow enough that it’s not worth any incremental improvement in the bound, and so I just moved straight from the greedy search to the full search. (In fact, all known optimal answers meet this constraint.)
Unfortunately, the possibility that square placements might be completely free – they might completely overlap existing matchsticks – makes it impossible to prune the search before actually exceeding the upper bound on the total number of matchsticks.
As you get to larger sizes, some really interesting structure emerges in the optimal solutions. There are two recognizable types: one with most squares on the diagonal, and one with a sort of “ladder” structure with staggered pairs or triples of squares 2 or 3 spaces apart (I’m sure the number of squares in each group and the spacing will grow for larger N). The ladder-type ones offer lots of opportunities for clever placements of the smaller squares and so they are much less regular than the diagonal ones.
Here’s an example of a diagonal type:
n=16: best score 190
│. . . . . . . . . . . .│. .│.│.│
│. . . . . . . . . . . .│. .│.│.│
│. . .13────────────────┼───1─3─┤
│. . .│. . . . . . . . .└───2─┼─┤
│. . .│. . . . . . . . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .10──────────────┼─┼─┤
│. . .│. . .│. . . . . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .│. . . . . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .│. . .7─────────┼─┼─┤
│. . .│. . .│. . .│. . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .│. . .│. . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .│. . .│. . . . .│.│.│
│. . .│. . .│. . .│. . . . .│.│.│
190 matchsticks, 4 solutions
12 squares on main diagonal; first one off diagonal is 4
And here’s an example of a ladder type:
n=21: best score 282
│. . . .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
│. .19──┼───15──────────────────────────┼─┤
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . . . . . . . . . .│.│
13──2───9───┼───────────┬─┐. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .11──┼───7───────────10┤. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .│. .│. . . . . .│.│. . . . . . .│.│
│. .│. .├───14──────────8─4───────┬─────16│
│. .│. .└───┴───────────┼─1───────3─────┼─┤
│. .│. . . . . . . . . .│.│. . . .│. . .│.│
│. .│. . . . . . . . . .│.│. . . .│. . .│.│
282 matchsticks, 2 solutions
5 squares on main diagonal; first one off diagonal is 17
These two types are often very close in the number of matchsticks they use, and which one is best for a given N is hard to predict. In a number of cases they tie; for example N=40 has both diagonal and ladder optimal solutions, and N=34 has a diagonal solution, some ladder-type ones which are found with the greedy placement algorithm and also some other ladder-type ones which are only found with a full search.
For gory details of the number of solutions of different types for all sizes up to N=63, see this table.
Overall, I had fun optimizing the search, and this code is quite fast at its job. But I didn’t really gain any significant insight into the problem. There is clearly structure to the solutions, but I don’t understand it well enough to be able to construct an optimal solution without a heavy-duty search.